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DTSS's Plan for a Free World Order

Here we will cover important information about DTSS's plan for a Free World Order.

Mark Muso avatar
Written by Mark Muso
Updated over a week ago

Together Our Freedom is Possible

All of the world, including most humans, is/are owned by the Crown Corporation (Rothschild corporation), the IMF and the Vatican. This is due to their being able to counterfeit money and lend it, in return for the principal, and interest which was never created. This scheme has allowed them to pilfer everything on planet earth over the last 220 years.

It's time we take it all back. DTSS has created the way and means to do so. We have our own conceivably non-violent Plan for a Free World Order. All that is required of you is learning the truth that has been hidden from you, restoring your freedom and discharging your debts, along with your being rewarded wonderfully by sharing our Freedom Membership Programs with your friends, family and acquaintances.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.”

Charles Frederic Aked

Our Plan for a Free World Order

To succeed at a task this grand, we all must share similar beliefs regarding our history, present situation, and our future vision. We then must focus our resources together to magnify our power in manifesting our free world.

We Provide Complete Freedom & Debt Discharge

DTSS restores the individual freedom and discharges the debts of all citizens via our Complete Freedom and Debt Discharge Membership Programs, which legally removes each of us from the fraudulent banking system of slavery, along with discharging our debts in the same specie of money it was allegedly lent.

We Utilize Relationship Marketing

DTSS accomplishes this on a large scale by utilizing our Relationship Marketing Program, which will allow Members working for the cause to be financially rewarded with more Federal Reserve Notes than possible at any corporate job.

We continue our expansion worldwide in freeing every soul we have the opportunity to free.

We Acquire Allodial Titled Land

DTSS utilizes its profits to invest in large amounts of usable land. We hold Allodial Title on that land to keep it out of the jurisdiction of the banker controlled governments, the Crown Corporation, the IMF, and the Vatican.

We Fund Free Necessity Communities

DTSS funds (using dollars, initially) Venus Project, Ubuntu Contributionism and/or similar style communities, where all necessities of life are free. For a cursory overview, please review the heretofore established, Venus Project Plans.

We Build Our Free Market Economy

DTSS executes a real free market economy backed by our own freely distributed crypto currency. Our free market is a system in which the prices for goods and services are determined by the open market and consumers, in which the laws and forces of supply and demand are free from any intervention by any government, banking cartel, price-setting monopoly, or other authority.

We Introduce Our Treasury Bank

DTSS launches its own treasury bank. Our bank then issues each and every freed individual 100,000.00 in our own debt free crypto currency, along with your own bank account, with check writing and debit card functions. This currency will be exchanged between those whom corrected their status and nationality. This 100,000.00 will also motivate U.S. citizens to regain their free American National status.

We Provide 100,000 to Every Free Human

DTSS's Treasury Bank creates this amount for every human on earth and keeps it uncirculated until it is given to new legally free men and women. Quarterly the DTSS Treasury Bank will publish its currency circulation numbers so all beings know the value of their currency. The value of this currency will decrease initially as more of it goes into circulation.

We Acquire Controlling Media Interest

DTSS purchases controlling interest of large propaganda media companies, via private trusts. We remove all banking cartel implanted editors-in-chief and replace them with true patriots with morals and vales. Utilizing this strategy we will reach and awaken the masses to the truth.

We Have Members Make Their Own Loans

All loans will be issued by other free Members. Borrowers will systematically post their opportunity and request for loans on the DTSS Treasury Bank’s web site. Those wishing to lend can search for criteria they wish to invest in and approve or deny said requests. The bottom line is that fractional reserve lending practices must be wiped off the Earth.

We Establish Common Law Government

DTSS's Treasury Bank and required initial small Common Law government will fund itself by creating a flat 3% of the existing currency in circulation each year and use this for it’s expenses, building and infrastructure. There will never be a requirement for taxes, and all will know how much is circulating and simultaneously the value of our currency.

We Incentivize Those "Just Doing Their Job"

DTSS will then use this currency to encourage people working in the system “just doing their jobs” to quit working for the existing government and system, correct their nationality, acquire their 100,000.00 and help build more free necessity, free market economic communities.

We Allure & Apprise Soldiers

DTSS and its Members will also awaken and educate all of the world’s soldiers (our very own children) to join us, in exchange for their freedom and their 100,000.00. This may cause all banks and governments around the globe to collapse, leaving everyone to complete freedom.

We Are the Light Side of the Force

Think Star Wars, the DTSS "Light Side" versus the Banking Cartel "Dark Side" of the Force. By having enlightened free human beings around the world working together for our cause, we believe we will succeed in freeing all humanity.

Action is required! Please spread this message far and wide. Of course your suggestions are requested. We Can Have a Free World Order by Working Together.

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